
Assertiveness Quiz

Answer the questions below honestly. They will help you gain some insights about your current level of assertiveness. 

Assign a number to each item using this scale:
            3            Never 

_____ I ask others to do things without feeling guilty or anxious.
_____ When someone asks me to do something I don’t want to do, I say “no” without feeling guilty or anxious.
_____ I am comfortable when speaking to a large group of people.
_____ I confidently express my honest opinions to authority figures.
_____ When I experience powerful feelings (anger, frustration, disappointment, etc.), I verbalize them easily.
_____ When I express anger, I do so without blaming others for “making me mad.”
_____ I am comfortable speaking up in a group situation.
_____ If I disagree with the majority opinion in a meeting, I can “stick to my guns” without feeling uncomfortable or being abrasive.
_____ When I make a mistake, I acknowledge it.
_____ I can tell others when their behavior creates a problem for me.
_____ Meeting new people in social situations is something I do with ease and comfort.
_____ When discussing my beliefs, I do so without labeling the opinions of others as “crazy,” “stupid,” “ridiculous,” or irrational.”
_____ I assume that most people are competent and trustworthy and do not have difficulty delegating tasks to others.
_____ When considering doing something I have never done, I feel confident I can learn to do it.
_____ I believe my needs are as important as those of others and I am entitled to have my needs satisfied
_____ Total Score


If your total is 60 or higher, you have a consistently assertive philosophy and probably handle most situations well. 

If your total is 45-60, you have a fairly assertive outlook. There are some situations in which you may be naturally assertive, but you should be able to increase your assertiveness through practice. 

If you total is 30-45, you seem to be assertive in some situations but your natural response is either non-assertive or aggressive. You may want to change some perceptions and practice new behaviours in order to handle things much more assertively in the future. 

If your total is 15-30, you have considerable difficulty being assertive. You need to practice and allow yourself time to grow and change. You can become much more comfortable in situations where asserting yourself is important.

You may want to speak to a therapist to help you learn, practice and build new assertiveness skills to be more effective in your life.

This exercise was copied from “Developing Positive Assertiveness – Practical Techniques for Personal Success,”by Sam R. Lloyd